Vivienne Ncgobo is an aspiring pilot and conscientious seventeen year-old at Bloubergrand High School, who has a particular interest in understanding the world around her. As a current Grade 9 pupil, Vivienne has shown her appreciation for the way in which her new school has “opened [her] mind”, and thoroughly enjoys subjects such as Life Orientation which have taught her to deal with day-to-day tasks. Nonetheless, she still faces a number of challenges, particularly where public transport is concerned, given that she lives far from her school and so this limits her ability to participate in school sport or extra lessons. The Litoro Foundation aims to help Vivienne in this regard, as well as in offering her further tutoring opportunities through the Litoro Mentorship and Tutoring Programme so that she can choose her subjects for next year based on her passions with adequate support. Vivienne dreams of completing a Business Administration degree and becoming a pilot, and the Litoro Foundation is committed to encouraging and enabling her on this path.